
Really America?

11-19-09 5 by Ryan Vaarsi

How? How is it possible that this diseased and incompetent government, to which I already send a large chunk of every paycheck, needs yet another piece of the little bit that I earn? I have less than a third of the income of some people who I know for a fact are receiving rebates this year.
I suppose things would be different if we'd been good enough to reproduce, purchase property, i.e., be proper American worker-bees. But having made the choice to not be Breeders and having neither the cash nor the desire to purchase property, we are being punished by a system that seems designed to torment people like us.

Maybe we should have purchased land. Hell, there was a streak of a few years where people with no credit history, no collateral and (if you believe some of the stories) no proof of citizenship were able to buy property in America. Yeah, they eventually defaulted on the loans and got evicted, but so what? They probably got a nice fat tax rebate every year they had the house and their credit is probably mostly recovered by now.

I need to get out of this chicken-shit banana republic. I need to find someplace where I can pursue a fulfilling career, not be buried in usurious credit debt and keep a decent chunk of my earnings. Preferably somewhere that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the U.S., 'cause I'd like to do a little damage on my way out the door.

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