
Pimpin' ain't easy, but apparently being a ho' is paying better than ever

I'm not feeling especially well today, so it's possible that I'm overreacting to this piece from Think Progress. But my gut-level disgust at American culture has been growing exponentially for quite some time now, so I'm going to assume that the nausea I'm feeling is more along the lines of a rational physical symptom inspired by this latest bit of irrational news.

It shouldn't surprise anyone to hear that a Palin is involved in bilking a charity, particularly one that may not have even been created with the most charitable of intentions. This is a family whose matriarch makes Huey Long seem like the soul of selflessness and civic duty. I've no inclination to run through the laundry list of sins committed by Klan Palin; I think they're fairly well etched into the public consciousness and my stomach's only just stopped heaving. But this kind of thing seems to have become a generational affair. The mother's obviously passed her polecat-like survival instincts on to her offspring.

"I think the takeaway message here is that baby out of wedlock = BEST. DECISION. EVER."
Indeed had I, in my wildest pubescent fantasies, ever dreamt that a teen pregnancy could turn out so splendidly, I would have gotten my high school girlfriend with-child toot sweet, before a year-and-a-half of chemotherapy turned my swimmers into little more than microscopic bumper cars.

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